With Pakistan expected to default in case speedy relief is not provided by the International Monetary Fund [IMF] there are concerns with the possibility of a nuclear weapons state collapsing economically for the first time.
There is speculation that possibly the release is also being linked with Pakistan capping nuclear and missile development an thus delay in providing the External Funding Facility or EFF by the IMF.
Veteran Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Senator Rabbani raised the issue on the Senate and expressed concern that the delay was, “absolutely out of the ordinary — extraordinary.”
Senator Rabbani added: “The question arises […] if the delay is being made because of some sort of pressure to be exerted on Pakistan’s nuclear [programme].”
Responding to the Senator, Finance Minister in the Senate assured of provision of funds for the military and nuclear programme including missiles with similar approach taken by Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) which emphasised that Pakistan's nuclear and missile programme is a national asset and will be guarded by the state.
This comes also after speculation on inability to maintain the nuclear and missile programme, including the IAEA DG’s routine visit where he had in fact praised the security and safety of the nuclear power plants of the country.
Speaking during the Senate’s session, Dar said: “Let me assure you that […] nobody is going to compromise anything on the nuclear or the missile program of Pakistan — no way.” “Nobody has any right to tell Pakistan that what range of missiles it can have and what nuclear weapons it can have. We have to have our own deterrence,” Dar said as per Dawn News.
“We represent the people of Pakistan […] and we have to guard our national interests”. Responding to the questions raised on the delay, Dar said the delay was “not on the part of the government”.