As two delegations of Naga political groups including the NSCN IM were in Delhi for talks with central interlocutor Mr A K Mishra there was a glimmer of hope that an accord may be in the offing prior to Christmas, the principal festival for the Nagas.
One of the factors adding to expectations was frustration of the Naga people at large devoid of a solution which may manifest in lack of participation in the State elections to be held in 2023. NSCN IM is also facing the heat of the public ire.
However a statement by the NSCN (I-M) collective leadership on December 16 indicates that there is unlikely to be a compromise on the demand for separate identity of a Constitution and flag for the Nagas which has been the sticking point so far.
The basis of the December 16 statement apparently was to emphasise the significance of the 2015 Framework Agreement (FA) that was signed by the NSCN IM leadership with the Government of India in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi.
The statement as per Nagaland Post was jointly signed by NSCN (I-M) chairman Q. Tuccu, vice chairman Tongmeth Wangnao and general secretary Th. Muivah, explained that: “The Government of India recognises the unique history and position of the Nagas.”
By unique history, they said “Nagas have the history of independence said the Statement.
The Nagas have neither been a part of Union of India nor that of Burma (Myanmar), nor any other power by consent or by conquest.
Similarly, the leaders said that unique position meant “position and situation of Nagalim is political”.
The statement claimed that the Government of India had admitted the historical fact that the sovereign Naga people had not accepted the Indian constitution and that they did not accept it.
While the Framework Agreement text is not public, the NSCN IM had released the same in 2021 and in that version phrases as, “sharing the sovereign power” and providing for an “enduring inclusive new relationship of peaceful co-existence of the two entities,” is claimed as defining the claims for sovereignty.
The NSCN-IM claims that Mr. Ravi, also former Nagaland Governor deleted the word new from the original to justify his own narrative and circulated to the other Naga groups including the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs).
The issue of ‘Nagalim Calendar 2023” published by so called Ministry of Information and Publicity (MIP) had a series of captions under the theme: “towards one destiny” in keeping with the national principle “one people one nation” symbolized by the Naga national flag which was prominently displayed in the first page under the title “Naga national flag and Constitution (Yehzabo) not negotiable”. This further confirms that there has been no breakthrough in the talks with the Centre.
Another factor is the many divisions within the Naga community.
Divisions Within
Thus NSCN (Reformation) kilo (home) kilonser Iheshe Aye on December 16 categorically stated that “there is only one NSCN (Reformation) and there will be only one even in the future,” as per a report in the Nagaland Post. This comes even as the Akato-led NSCN/GPRN, was also claiming to be NSCN (Reformation).
The Akato Chophi had split in November 2021 and split from the NSCN (R) which was led by Wangtin Naga and ato kilonser P Tikhak,
Aye maintained that since 2015, Nagas had recognized the leadership of Wangtin and Tikhak and even the Central government had recognised the leadership and signed the ceasefire and has been part of Working Committee of NNPGs as per the Nagaland Post.
Akato’s group was yet to sign the ceasefire agreement with the Centre claimed the NSCN Reformation.
Earlier Akato Chophi-led NSCN/GPRN declared that they were now part of the Working Committee of the Nagaland National Political Groups (WC/NNPGs) and also reaffirmed its declaration of unilateral ceasefire with the Government of India (GoI).
Eastern Nagaland
There is a demand by the Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) for a separate state which was discussed in a meeting with Home Minister Amit Shah during the month.
As a follow up a three-member committee constituted by the Home ministry was in Tuensang on December 16 and held discussions with Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) executives, Talk Team and signatories of memorandum for Frontier Nagaland the Nagaland Post reported.
The three-member committee was headed by adviser (Northeast) AK Mishra, and members– Intelligence Bureau joint director Dr Mandeep Singh Tuli and director (Northeast Division) in MHA AK Dhyani, held a meeting lasted for about three hours.
Nagaland Post hs reported that the officials are scheduled to meet leaders of the seven tribal bodies, followed by meeting with Eastern Nagaland Women Organisation, Eastern Nagaland Students’ Federation and GB Union representatives on December 17.
After discussions with the communities and groups in Eastern Nagaland, a report will be submitted to the Union Home minister Amit Shah who is expected to visit Eastern Nagaland in January 2023.