Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement (KRIT) has published a report comparing the defence technology levels that have been achieved by various countries.
KRIT was established on January 1, 2021, for planning, managing, and assessing defense technologies, as well as fostering the defense industry and supporting its exports. KRIT’s priority is joint growth with government agencies, corporations, and government-funded research institutes, its major customers, and partners. In addition, it strives to carry out business with a customer-centric mindset. As a research institute leading innovation in the defense industry, KRIT will do its best to expand open technology planning, actively identify core parts development projects, and strengthen export competitiveness.
It operates the total life cycle defense R&D planning system, which encompasses pre-planning, task planning, project management, assessment, and performance analysis, in order to secure the technologies needed for the development and production of weapons systems in Korea, and is dedicated to fostering the defense industry and strengthening its export competitiveness.
As the importance of securing high-tech new technologies is being increasingly highlighted, an accurate understanding of the current status and level of defense science and technology in Korea and major advanced countries is a crucial prerequisite. KRIT aims to provide the best results of its assessment of technology levels, and this assessment will provide more detailed implications about changes in the technology levels of the assessed countries. We hope that these efforts will help us plan new projects in national defense science and technology research and development.
A national defense science and technology level assessment is conducted every three years based on Article 12 of the Defense Science and Technology Innovation Promotion Act, Article 18 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act, and Article 173 of the Defense Project Management Regulations
The assessment was conducted by selecting 16 countries that are advanced in the field of defense science and technology and countries with excellent levels of technology for specific types of weapons systems. - Sixteen advanced defense countries were selected by examining quantitative indicators (defense R&D, scale of defense exports, and science and technology level) that have an influence of national defense science and technology.
See Original Report Here