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After FOBS and Border Law, Xi Calls for Innovation in Military Technology

October has been a busy month in China on the political and the military front as well.

After a new border law and launch of the “fractional orbital bombardment system” [FOBS] to propel a nuclear-capable “hypersonic glide vehicle”, President Xi Jinping has urged efforts to break new ground in the development of the country's military weaponry and equipment, and contribute to the realization of the goals set for the centenary of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) as per a report in the Xinhua of October 26.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), made the remarks at a military-wide conference on weaponry and equipment-related work, which was held on October 25 and 26, the National "13th Five-Year" Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition.

Xi recalled progress achieved in weapons development in the past five years which has served as the material and technological underpinning for the country's strategic capabilities, military strength in particular as per the Xinhua.

He also called for efforts to accelerate the implementation of tasks for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) and advance the building of a modernized management system for weaponry and equipment.

CMC Vice Chairman Zhang Youxia who attended the conference stressed efforts to create strong synergy in weaponry and equipment development, focus on the needs of national security, boost sci-tech self-reliance and self-improvement, aim for the world's top class, and speed up the modernization of weaponry and equipment reports the Xinhua.

Xi also emphasised as per a TV report that the result was due to joint struggle of the entire party and the country, especially the broad masses of scientific and technological workers, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee.

Innovation was another important point stressed upon by Xi, he called, “to seize opportunities for innovation, to bravely climb technological peaks, to solve development problems, to consciously shoulder the glorious historical mission, to accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, and to build a world scientific and technological power and realize the greatness of the Chinese nation Renaissance makes new and greater contributions”.

Theme of the exhibition was also, "Innovation-driven development towards a strong country in science and technology."

The exhibition was divided into 12 exhibition areas, including general preface, a century of retrospect, basic research, high-tech, major special projects, agricultural science and technology, and social development.

1,300 physical objects, more than 200 models of the scientific achievements under Xi were displayed at the exhibition as per the TV Report.

China will focus on "Nine Chapters" quantum computing prototype, the second comprehensive scientific research on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the "Tianji" brain chip, as well as the spallation neutron source, the "wisdom eye" satellite, etc. Scientific device.

Facing the main economic battlefield, it will focus on displaying the national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platform, the "Jinghua" domestic largest-diameter shield machine, etc.

Facing the major needs of the country, it will focus on displaying the Chinese space station model, the Mars rover, the "Chang'e-5", the "Struggle" all-sea deep manned submersible, integrated circuit equipment, the world's first fourth-generation nuclear power high-temperature gas-cooled demonstration reactor, "Guohe No. 1" nuclear power unit and other national important weapons.

Facing people’s lives and health, focusing on the display of integrated whole-body positron emission/magnetic resonance imaging equipment, unmanned plant factory rice breeding accelerators, and the latest achievements of "Technology Anti-epidemic" and "Technology Winter Olympics"... one by one, one by one model

It vividly interprets the major progress and outstanding achievements of China's scientific and technological innovation during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji, Han Zheng, and Vice President Wang Qishan visited the exhibition respectively.

In Beijing, members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Central Secretariat, relevant leading comrades of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, state councilors, relevant leading comrades of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and members of the Central Military Commission visited the exhibition said the TV report.


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